Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To encourage efficiency and Competitive Value Through Business Process Management (2)

Solution Business Process Management (BPM)

Solution Business Process Management (BPM) has four main components. Modeling is the first component, where users can define and design the structure of each business process in a graphic. Managers can design a process a process with all elements, rules, sub-process, parallel processing, exception handling, handling error, Workflow and easily without the need to have the ability and special programming without the need for assistance from IT staff.

Integrating the two components are, namely BPM can connect each element in the process so that these elements can collaborate and exchange information to complete its objective. At the application level, this can be interpreted as the use of the Application Programming Interface (API) and messaging. For users, this means the availability of a workspace on the computer or wireless device to do its duty in accordance with a role in the process of business.

Supervision is the third component of the Business Process Management (BPM). Users can monitor and control the performance of the business of running and performance of each of the processes involved in the business. Users can also obtain information about the process that is running, and that has been completed, along with data that is in it.

And the last component of BPM is Optimization, namely, users can analyze and monitor a business process, a view eficiency, and also allows users to take action quickly and change the process to improve its efficiency.

Many benefits are provided when utilize the company's Business Process Management solution to this. Because BPM solutions will facilitate companies in the business process memodelkan owned, otomatication the way the business is, the way to look process, and provides a simple and fast when the company will make changes to improve business processes performance. And BPM software also helps companies to manage tasks during this still done manually. BPM solutions can be system that automates the approval and rejection, notification and reporting status.

In addition to helping companies make the exception handling and process altrnatif that are needed to tackle the problem, BPM also reduce the time required in the implementation of a business process, which can increase the productivity of each employee. Generally, the process requires a lot of business people and resources will be but a BPM solution that can both reduce the amount of resources required in a process.

Many companies make use of information technology for Optimizing the business expense, but they sometimes still build solutions with a system that is not integrated. The system is based on separate unti based on the work and business processes. This will be a pullback when the process requires a collaborative process with the other to be able to complete the process of the road. Business Process Management (BPM) solutions that are needed by companies to manage business processes that they have. With BPM companies can easily change memodelkkan and business process needs to be appropriate optimized, which in turn will reduce the outlay of production, improve customer satisfaction, improve relationships with business partners, and eventually the company is to increase profits