Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Economic development is a branch of economics which has aims to analyze the problems faced and find ways / methods of settlement in economic development, especially in developing countries, so that economic development become faster and more harmonious. In the knowledge economy, analysis and development methods or related concerns with aspects beyond the economic field, problems such as poverty, unemployment, inequality and economic, demographic and education issues, social, cultural, political and environmental.

Economic development is economic growth that can cause changes, especially changes to the decreasing rate of population growth and changes of economic structure, good role to the establishment of national income, and it uses in the provision of employment. Todaro defines economic development as a multidimensional process that includes changes in the structure, the attitudes of life, and in addition includes the institutional improvement of economic growth, decreasing inequality of income distribution and poverty . All countries do economic development, both state that have relatively developed and undeveloped. Countries that have relatively advanced developing countries is also called, in addition to organize themselves to continue to be developed, also put a little more attention to the development countries that are still relatively undeveloped. In this case, is a developing country that is classified as low income and middle in rate <$ 4,500. Economic development efforts is to increase the living standard of a nation that is often measured with high and low per income real. Thus, the purpose of economic development in addition to increasing the national income in real terms also for increase productivity. In general, it can be said that the level of output at a certain time is determined by the availability or use of resources both natural and human resources, the level of technology, market conditions and framework of economic life or economic system and the attitude of the output itself
With the development of the economic output of a community or property or the economy will grow. Besides happiness of the population will increase because economic development is to increase chance wide selection.
Economic development can give to people greater ability to control the natural surroundings and enhance the level of their freedom to hold in a certain action. Therefore, economic development should be implemented.
Primeval people living in primitive communities and their lives come from horticulturalism and hunting with tools and methods are simple. They work hard to meet the needs of subsistence living. Initially they succeed, but because the fertility of land cultivated for agriculture, and greatly reduced the population increase, it is often because hunger there is not adequate to harvest the needs are the result of hunger, disease and death. Economic development and the ability to provide the opportunity for them to overcome these problems. With the improvement of production techniques will be more production (food) that can be produced using fewer workers. The number of infant mortality to be reduced and the level of adult mortality also declined.

Economic development rather give a freedom to choose which more extensive. In an economy that is still primitive, people forced to work hard just to maintain his life not just for the dead. With economic development will be available more opportunities to live life have fun. Besides the things mentioned above, will also be available more services that work for prepaire human needs.

In reality, women enjoy the results more economic development than the men. In countries that are relatively undeveloped, women always work weight. Like the other countries that have been advanced, some household work done with the help of equipment such as washing machine, refrigerator, and so forth, so they are not heavy burden. They are no longer with hand washing, take the water source with water every day shopping and so forth. Consequently, women have the same opportunity as well as with the men. Demand that they had to work, and working level with the men. They can educate their children better.

Economic development also allows people to have more human characteristics, because the more the number of facilities available. Persons who are expected to help other people if the need for himself has been fulfilled and there is a surplus available to other people who suffered disability because of natural disaster or poor.

With economic development will be expected to reduce the chasm of difference between countries that are grown and the countries that have been developed.

However, such, few studies have produced estimates which the developing countries even more have been aware poor, will understand the importance of economic development and strive to make this level of development will be quite high according to their ability
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Future Challenges

To realize that more banking firm, improvements must be made in various areas, especially to answer the challenges faced by banks in recent years. The challenges are as follows:

1. Capacity growth of bank credit that is still low
To achieve economic growth high enough within five years down the road, needed a bank loan growth that is large enough. Meanwhile, the ability of the banking capital india at this time indicates that credit growth high enough to achieve the difficult, if not improve the national banking capital conditions.
In addition to the barriers in terms of capital a bank, credit in many cases also hampered by the reluctance of some banks to offer loans to the bank to distribute credit risk management capabilities as core banking skills and the relatively better yet, and the operational cost is relatively high.

2. Banking structure that is not optimal
Currently optimizing the structure of banking in Indonesia marked by the banking structure is concentrated on 11 major banks, which control 75% of Indonesia's banking assets. although such small banks in this regard need to get attention because in addition to the amount that is relatively more, the banks also have a small business coverage is relatively the same with the banks but with operational capability, risk management, GCG and the relatively more limited . Similarly, Compared with other countries, the Indonesian government ownership in banks is seen quite high, even the highest in Asia. This is also the issue of segregated structure of the banking system because it can cause conflicts of interest that will disrupt the efficiency of the market.

3. Fulfilling the needs of the community to banking services that the community is still considered by the less
Lack of fulfilling the needs of the community banking waitress marked with a complaint often heard from people about rest access to credit and high interest rate credit t still many practices and the provision of informal financial services.

4. Supervision of banks that still need to be improved
Supervision of banks is also a field that needs improvement and perfection. This is because there are some principles that prudential still not implemented well management supervision is still need to be improved, the ability of the human resources that have not been optimal, and law-enforcement supervision condition, which has not been effective. Overall, efforts to increase the capability of the business is in line with Bank Indonesia to implement the 25 Basel core principles for effective banking Supervision, including improving infrastructure monitoring technology. Given the supervision of the bank sector is very dynamic and broad scope, the increasing of supervision quality is an effort that should be carried out continuously by the bank's server or by other institutions such as financial services authority (OJK) at a later time.

5. Banking capability, which is still weak
Weak capability, marked by a lack of corporate governance and core banking skills in most of the banks so that the necessary repairs on two fundamental enough it. Although the capability some big banks have been strong enough, but the capability of banking in general still below international best practices. Similarly, the bank's ability to respond to the increased operational risks still need to continue to be improved, especially the emphasis on the importance of internal controls and adherence to the principles prudential.

6. operational efficiency and profitability of the banks that are not sustainable
The level of profitability and efficiency operational achieved by banking in general is not the profitability and efficiency of the sustainable. This is caused by the weak structure of productive assets banks. Margin of banks because of the reduced interest rate trend is decreasing. The other factor is not sustainable from its efficiency and profitability is partly because the income derived from banking activities trading that fluctuate and low ratio of assets that the operational costs of banking india relatively high compared with other countries
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To encourage efficiency and Competitive Value Through Business Process Management

The development of the market moving into a very competitive business and competition in the increasingly complex and stringent challenge has been new for the company. Speed is a problem that is noteworthy how a company or organization to obtain and evaluate the information immediately, and then use the information to respond to each incident and also the problem exactly.

The problem is that often occur companies failed or were late in responding to business challenges that arise in unexpectedly. For example, many companies are very slow in detecting the existence of opportunities and new business in detecting the movement carried out by competitors.

To overcome these problems, leaders of the company is in need of a solution that can help them to see a picture of their business in a holistic and real-time, in the sense that they see in the report when it is actually a condition that the company was at that time also, not one week ago, one day ago, or even an hour ago. For the role of technology becomes vital there. The company can rely on appropriate technology to increase efficiency, improve power response, and eventually able to generate value for the company competitive.

Recently many companies have been utilizing the information technology (IT) to optimize the business processes that are owned, but sometimes they develop solutions that are still half-half. They build IT solutions in several separate systems, such as based on work units, or based on the existing business. This can cause some problems when a business when there is a process that requires the collaboration or the exchange of information in the work unit. Of course this can not be dealt with the model of IT solutions such as this.

Technology Management Business Process or Business Process Management (BPM) is the answer that is really needed and awaited the business to help their business in the face of challenges such as competition and now this. BPM is an IT solutions with a powerful new approach used to help improve efficiency and increase the value of a competitive business. BPM is designed to integrate between the employee and information system through the processes that have been very good and are very flexible. BPM is also an appropriate solution to enhance the company's response to significantly adjust the desire of the customers in every product or service is produced, by providing access to information in real-time, which can be used to identify problems and the actions to respond to the problems that occur in more quick and precise.

Business Process Management (BPM) is an approach to improve the effectiveness and efficiency through the development process automation and dexterity to manage the changes. BPM helps companies monitor and control all elements in the business process, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and Work flow. BPM improve the quality of the business through the provision of feedback mechanisms that better. Review of sustained and real-time will help the company identify problems and address them in more quickly before the problem becomes more developed
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To encourage efficiency and Competitive Value Through Business Process Management (2)

Solution Business Process Management (BPM)

Solution Business Process Management (BPM) has four main components. Modeling is the first component, where users can define and design the structure of each business process in a graphic. Managers can design a process a process with all elements, rules, sub-process, parallel processing, exception handling, handling error, Workflow and easily without the need to have the ability and special programming without the need for assistance from IT staff.

Integrating the two components are, namely BPM can connect each element in the process so that these elements can collaborate and exchange information to complete its objective. At the application level, this can be interpreted as the use of the Application Programming Interface (API) and messaging. For users, this means the availability of a workspace on the computer or wireless device to do its duty in accordance with a role in the process of business.

Supervision is the third component of the Business Process Management (BPM). Users can monitor and control the performance of the business of running and performance of each of the processes involved in the business. Users can also obtain information about the process that is running, and that has been completed, along with data that is in it.

And the last component of BPM is Optimization, namely, users can analyze and monitor a business process, a view eficiency, and also allows users to take action quickly and change the process to improve its efficiency.

Many benefits are provided when utilize the company's Business Process Management solution to this. Because BPM solutions will facilitate companies in the business process memodelkan owned, otomatication the way the business is, the way to look process, and provides a simple and fast when the company will make changes to improve business processes performance. And BPM software also helps companies to manage tasks during this still done manually. BPM solutions can be system that automates the approval and rejection, notification and reporting status.

In addition to helping companies make the exception handling and process altrnatif that are needed to tackle the problem, BPM also reduce the time required in the implementation of a business process, which can increase the productivity of each employee. Generally, the process requires a lot of business people and resources will be but a BPM solution that can both reduce the amount of resources required in a process.

Many companies make use of information technology for Optimizing the business expense, but they sometimes still build solutions with a system that is not integrated. The system is based on separate unti based on the work and business processes. This will be a pullback when the process requires a collaborative process with the other to be able to complete the process of the road. Business Process Management (BPM) solutions that are needed by companies to manage business processes that they have. With BPM companies can easily change memodelkkan and business process needs to be appropriate optimized, which in turn will reduce the outlay of production, improve customer satisfaction, improve relationships with business partners, and eventually the company is to increase profits
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The exchange of foreign currency or foreign currency exchange rate indicates the price or value of the currency the country stated in other currencies. Foreign currency exchange rate can also be defined as the number of domestic needs, namely the number of rupiah needed to obtain one unit of foreign currency. Kkurs that indicates that the same U.S. $ 1.00 to Rp. 11200 means to obtain one United States dollar union needed 11,200 Indonesian rupiah. currency exchange rate between the two countries often at a different time with the other. Basically there are two ways of determining the exchange rate of foreign currency:
• Based on the demand and supply of foreign currency in the free market.
• defined by the government

For the largest population of a country requires foreign currency is to be able to trade overseas activities with other parts of the world population. Sometimes people of a country like to buy more products from outside the country, this is from overseas goods cheaper when compared with that in the production of goods in Indonesia.

Demand for Foreign Currency
The exchange of foreign currency exchange adalh a very important factor in determining whether the goods in other countries "cheaper" or "more expensive" of goods produced in the country. Demand for foreign exchange was dependent country with a value tukarnya, if the normal value of a currency exchange rate is down, then people will "buy" foreign currency, the value at the time tukarnya up so the people will soon sell foreign currency supply them.

Government may intervene in determining the exchange rate of foreign currency. The aim is to ensure that the exchange does not exist will cause a bad effect on the economy. Exchange rate of exchange set by different government exchange rate is determined by the free market. The extent to which differences tersbut depend on government policies and decisions regarding the most appropriate exchange rate for purposes Iron-clad government to stabilize and develop the economy
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Factors that influence the exchange rate:

Penawaraan demand and a currency, which then causes a change in the currency exchange rate, caused by many factors. The most important are as follows:

• Changes in taste (taste) community
Taste communities they affect consumption patterns. So taste the changes in patterns of consumption will change their goods production in the country and the goods imported.
Improving the quality goods in the country providing babkan desire for people to import goods decreased and can also increase exports. While improving the quality of imported goods cause the public to import large increases. These changes will affect demand and supply of foreign exchange.

• Prices of goods export and import
The price of goods is an important factor that will determine the goods in the export or import. Goods in the country that can be sold at a relatively cheap and will raise the export price when it increased the export will be reduced.

• Increase the general price (inflation)
Inflation greatly to the exchange of foreign currency exchange. Inflation, which apply generally tend to lower the value of a foreign currency. Trends such as this occur because of the effects of inflation as follows:

1. inflation causes the price of goods more expensive in the country of prices outside the country and therefore inflation berkecenderungan increase imports. In this situation the request of the foreign currency increases.

2. inflation caused prices of export goods become more expensive, therefore reducing inflation berkecenderungan export. Circumstances such as this will cause the supply of foreign currency will be reduced.

• Changes in interest rates and the level of investment
Interest rate and the level of investment is very important role in influencing the flow of capital. Interest rate and the level of investment that tends to be low will cause capital outflow in the country country. Meanwhile, interest rates and the level of investment that will lead to higher overseas capital into the country. If capital flows to a country, demand for currency increases, the value of the currency increases. Currency of a country will degenerate if more capital flowed out of the country the country due to interest rate and the level of investment is higher in other countries.

• Economic Growth
The effect will be caused by a kemajjuan ekonommi in the value of currency depends on the pattern of economic growth that apply. If progress is mainly caused by export growth, the demand for mid-currency countries that grow faster than the bid, therefore the value of the currency of that country rise
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Consolidation BANKING

Consolidation is the merging of two or more banks, by establishing a new bank and liquidate banks with or without liquidation.
Causes of the banking needs consolidation:

a. In order to achieve a healthy banking system, strong and efficient to create a stable financial system and encourage a sustainable national economic growth.

b. Consolidation efforts need systematic approaches, is expected to be created so that the consolidation in the banking industry that is more solid.

c. In order to support economic growth around 5-6% per year to the next, the support of credit from the banking minimum of 22% per year.

d. The tight competition in the banking sector so that the necessary institutional strengthening, especially for small banks.

e. Organic growth plan for the banks to reach small-scale minimum capital of Rp 100 billion that was delivered on the business plan look less realistic and not show a clear planning, so that effort consolidates the only rely on grain market is estimated akn not reached.

f. Plan implementation of Basel II in tahun2008 needs support following the impact of technology, human resources, requires banks to immediately strengthen the capital commensurate with the investment needed to face these challenges.

G. To further ensure the achievement of consolidation efforts in the 2010 staging of capital banks needed a clear dampai began in 2007 with the year 2010.

Consolidation Goals:

• Strengthening the institutional banking sector through the strengthening of capital commensurate with the needs investment to meet the challenges ahead.

• Encouraging banks to prepare a more mature in the field of information technology, the quality of human resources and risk management practices, standards, so that in 2011 the bank can operate in accordance with the bank chosen strata.

• Encouraging banks to have the competitiveness that it would be able to support high economic growth annually and a minimum of globalization and the challenges facing the external increasingly complex
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Global Economic Crisis Concerns Hide Shares of the World

Activity in the floor broker stock market Wall Street, New York when the market made by the worry that the negative news coming from the financial sector on 20 June 2008.

Thursday, 2 October 2008 | 23:55 WIB

London, THURSDAY - Most of the value of the shares on Thursday (2 / 10) off the value of shares after Wall Street opened anjlok the wider concerns of the market economy that is worrying deterioration can not be solved by the U.S. economic rescue package. Many investors in Asia is not satisfied with the agreement of the U.S. Senate against the economic rescue package revision.

Investors are questioning whether the economic rescue package that can later return to improve global economic conditions. After almost 2 hours of opening transactions in the exchange Wall Street, the Dow Jones index down 2.01 percent at 10612.83, and are.

The weakening value of shares Wall Street shares resulted in a number of European descent. UK FTSE 100 index down 1.05 percent at 4907.44, and is, the German DAX index declined 2.45 percent and are in the position of 5666.29 and the CAC 40 index in France weakened 1.32 percent and are in position 4001.08 in the transaction afternoon in Europe. All three are European stock index had an increase in transactions before the opening of Wall Street these days
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Global economy slowing predicted

Internatinal Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates the global economic growth will be slowed 4.1 percent. This figure is down from the previous estimation of 4.9 percent. Melambatnya economic growth is, among other reasons influenced by the turbulent financial and credit crisis jammed mortgage housing (sub-prime mortgage), which causes the loss of several large banks on the board.

Economic growth adikuasa some countries, such as the United States, also is expected to be slowed. Economics is only in the United States will grow 1.5 percent in 2008, down compared to 2.2 percent the previous year. In a note published in January, the IMF also estimates the European economy this year will grow only 1.3 percent, lower than the predicted 1.6 percent the previous year.

The same occurred in Asian countries. Japanese economic growth is estimated to be only 1.5 percent, down from 0.2 percent predicted in October last year. Meanwhile, for India and China, which has for the impressive economic growth in Asia is estimated to designate also slowed. Indian economy to grow this year 6.9 percent, down compared to 2007, namely 7.8 percent. Similarly with China, which will only grow 10 percent, lower than last year's 11.4 percent.

For developing countries, the average growth of 6.9 percent. This figure is lower than 2007, namely 7.8 percent. According to the IMF, economic growth in developing countries, which are influenced by the flow of capital from overseas, fell the impact will likely be affected. In addition, a number of other risk is estimated to be increased. Monetary policy faced a difficult choice, namely between the inflation and economic pelambatan.

However, the IMF projected a little different with Deutsche Bank. German bank this estimate economic growth will be more than 6.5 percent. In addition, the stock market will move developing countries are positive despite the global economic pelambatan. "The policy the central bank will melonggar to anticipate the oil price shock, inflation, housing and credit problems. The most benefit from the stock market," said Chief Investment Officer of Deutsche Bank Asia-Soon Gek Chew in Jakarta yesterday.

Currently, the market shares to give developing countries the benefits higher than developed countries. In 2007 China ranks first with 96.6 percent, followed by India 73.1 percent, 54.1 percent and Indonesia. Meanwhile, the level of European market share is only 14.4 percent, S & P's 5.5 percent, and Japan's minus 4.1 percent. "Investment in the stock market is still a developing country also had the great considering the real interest rate (the interest rate reduced inflation) is still low, likuiditasnya high, and valuasinya interesting," said Soon-Gek.

In addition to the stock market, Soon-Gek recommend that global investors to invest in agriculture, gold, and Hedge fund. "We have a positive outlook on agricultural commodities because of population and income will be increased global population, limited agricultural land start triggering the demand of protein," he said.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati pelambatan recognize the inevitable result of economic recession that the United States. "Yes, indeed a global recession is estimated to fall," said Sri Mulyani after the signing of cooperation including funding of 10 thousand megawatt of electricity with the Export Import Bank of China Ministry of Finance yesterday
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Definition of BPM (Business Process Management)

Business Process Management: To Encourage Efficiency and Competitive Value 2

What is BPM? Then why BPM is a very important element for the success of a company? Previously, we will try peeled beforehand about the business of the company. The process is the core business of all activities on a company or organization. To achieve the company, bisnislah process that will empower all the resources available on the company. But the need to know is that every business has a process each is unique, in accordance with the characteristics of the company and its business areas, such as the creation of new products or services, supply procurement, answering customer questions, or rekruitasi new employees, which, of course These differences have for each company.

Business Process Management, effective and efficient, can generate value for the company competitive. The process is managed by the business will be able to grow a good opportunity. However, companies sometimes do not understand and less able to control the process of business assets. The management may have succeeded in creating the ideal procedure to run the business, but in reality, the implementation in the field can be very different from what has previously designed. In the process of implementing a business sometimes occur redundancy, inefficiency, stagnation, and to share the mistakes that can not be anticipated before. Business is not fleet of foot in the process control business owned businesses tend to impede the company in achieving the desired targets.

Business Process Management (BPM) is an approach to improve the effectiveness and efficiency through the development process automation and dexterity to manage the changes. BPM helps companies monitor and control all elements in the business process, such as employees, customers, suppliers, and Workflow. BPM improve the quality of the business through the provision of feedback mechanisms that better. Review of sustained and real-time will help the company identify problems and address them in more quickly before the problem becomes more developed.
Each solution Business Process Management (BPM) has four main components:

• Modeling
Users can define and design the structure of each business process in a graphic. The manager can design a process with all elements, rules, sub-process, parallel processing, exception handling, error handlers, Workflow and easily without the need to have the ability and special programming without the need for assistance from IT staff.

• Integrating
BPM can connect each element in the process so that these elements can collaborate and exchange information to complete its objective. At the application level, this can be interpreted as the use of the Application Programming Interface (API) and messaging. For users, this means the availability of a workspace on the computer or wireless device to do its duty in accordance with a role in the process of business.

• Supervision
Users can monitor and control the performance of the business of running and performance of each of the personnel involved in the process of the business. Users can also obtain information about the process of running, and that has been completed, along with data that is in it.

• Optimization
Users can analyze and monitor a business process, see the inefficiency, and also allows users to take action quickly and change the process to improve its efficiency.
Advantages of BPM

What actually will be companies that take advantage of BPM solutions in managing business processes and mengoptimisasi held? Benefits from the utilization of solutions Business Process Management (BPM), among others:

• BPM solution will facilitate companies in the business process memodelkan owned, mengotomatisasi the way the business process, monitor the way the process, and provides a simple and fast when the company will do perubahaan business processes to improve performansinya.

• BPM Software to help companies mengotomatisasi tasks during this still done manually. BPM solutions can be system that automates the approval and rejection, notification and reporting status.

• With BPM, the integration process between the business can be done easily and quickly.

• BPM help companies make the exception handling process and the alternative is needed to tackle problems in the business that are very dynamic now.

• BPM can enhance the business response through the ability to get information quickly and real-time.

• BPM to reduce the time required in the implementation of a business process.

• BPM improve the productivity of each employee.

• Generally, the process requires a lot of business people and resources. A BPM solution that can both reduce the amount of resources required in a process.


Many companies make use of information technology for business process mengoptimisasi held, but they sometimes still build solutions with the systems are not integrated. The system is based on separate work units or based on business processes. This will be a pullback when the process requires a collaborative process with the other to be able to complete the process of the road. Business Process Management (BPM) solutions that are needed by companies to manage the business they have with BPM companies can easily change memodelkan and business process needs to be appropriate dioptimisasi, which will ultimately reduce the outlay of production, increase employee efficiency, improve satisfaction customers, improve relationships with business partners, and eventually the company is to increase profits
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Business Process Management: To Encourage Efficiency and Competitive Value

Business Process

The development of the market moving into a very competitive business and competition in the increasingly complex and stringent new challenges have been present for the company. Speed is a problem that is noteworthy how a company or organization to obtain and evaluate the information immediately, and then to use such information to respond to any incidents and problems quickly and also appropriate. Therefore, the speed became important factors in the competitive, to grow the value of a company or organization.

The problems that often happens is that the company failed or were late in responding to business challenges that arise in unexpectedly. For example: many companies are very slow in detecting the existence of opportunities and new business in detecting the movement carried out by competitors; more companies are sometimes tend to have a reactive nature and can not detect the problem early, where this is very counterproductive for companies in business development at the time such as now.

To overcome these problems, leaders of the company is in need of a solution that can help them to see a picture of their business in a holistic (comprehensive) and real-time, in the sense that they see in the report when it is actually a condition when the company actually also, not 1 week ago, 1 day ago, or even 1 hour ago. For the role of technology is here to be vital. The company can rely on appropriate technology to assist them in improving efficiency, improve power response, and eventually was able to generate value for the company competitive.

In the last few years have been many companies with solutions that utilize information technology (IT) to optimize the business expense, but sometimes they develop solutions that are still half-half. They build IT solutions in several separate system, not in one unit. System that was built usually divided based on work units, or based on the existing business processes. This can cause some problems when a business when there is a process that requires the collaboration and exchange of information between work units or the process to resolve a series of business process, which of course this will not be dealt with the model of IT solutions such as this. IT solutions such as this is irrelevant for use in the business world as a very dynamic at this time.

Technology Management Business Process or Business Process Management (BPM) is the answer that is really needed and awaited the business to help their business in the face of challenges such as competition and now this. BPM is an IT solutions with a powerful new approach used to help improve efficiency and increase the value of a competitive business. BPM is designed to integrate between the employees and information systems through the processes that have been terotomatisasi and are very flexible. BPM is also an appropriate solution to enhance the company's response to significantly adjust the desire of the customers in every product or service is produced, by providing access to information in real-time, which can be used to identify the problem, and the actions to respond to the problems that occur more quickly and precisely.
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